Business Owners Only
For Business Owners Only
We make numbers make sense.
Get a 2-min daily email that explains a business financial concept in a way that actually makes sense.
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We make growing a financially successful business make sense. ðŸ˜Ž
There are thousands of business books, business podcasts, business courses, business coaches, and business gurus out there.

Yet...according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 80% of all businesses will fail before they reach their tenth birthday.

Eighty percent!

So, why do most businesses end up failing?

Well, most business owners start a business because they're an expert at the craft of the business...

...a dentist starts a dental practice.
...a contractor starts a construction business.
...a chef starts a restaurant.

Because of this, most business owners don't really understand how to build a business that's financially successful.

We want to change that.

Once you subscribe, we'll send you a 2-min daily email that explains a business financial concept in a way that actually makes sense so that you can own a successful business that stays in business.
Know if your business is okay. 🚢
At the end of the day, most business owners want a business that will last.

They want a business that they enjoy, that continues to put food on their families' table, and maybe allows them to go on a cruise every now and then.

But...almost every business owner we've talked to wants more than that. They want a business that's growing and highly successful.

There's only one way to do that: have a financially successful business.

This daily email will show you how.
Who we are. 🎯
Our entire team either owns or manages multi-million dollar businesses.

We know our stuff.

We created because we want to do our part to help eradicate business failure.

There are so many businesses that should not have failed. At the same time, there are so many businesses that should be more successful than they are.

We want to help as many business owners as possible to not only not fail, but to have wildly successful businesses.

Think of us as business ownersbusiness strategists and business teachers all in one.

👉We're business owners ourselves. We 'get' business owners because business ownership is in our DNA.

👉We're business strategists in that we have a track record of understanding what makes a particular business tick and then determining why the business isn't as successful as it should be.

👉We're business teachers in that we're able to break down complicated concepts (like business and financials) and explain them in a way that makes sense to most folks.
Let's chat. 📬
Have a question or want to contact us? Send an email to

Contact the CEO/Co-Founder, Adam Lean, at

Interested in sponsorships? Send an email to

Want personalized help with your business? Send an email to Adam Lean at
For Business Owners Only
We make numbers make sense.
Get a 2-min daily email that explains a business financial concept in a way that actually makes sense.
 Join other business owners, for free. Or, click here to see past emails. 
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